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Thoughts of A midsummer night

two litle girls and a rope

POD a print on demand experience

I want to tell you about this experience of mine because it borders on the far-fetched, maybe there is an answer to why there is a tendency towards ugliness today?

looking the sky

Digital Art

The term Digital Art encompasses a wide range of techniques that use digital technology as part of the artistic process. Let’s explore what digital art really means, its historical roots and the exciting possibilities it offers.

ai generated astronaut girl with prompt girl on mars with sunglasses

Art and artificial intelligence

Midsummer reflections on artificial intelligence and its application in the artistic branch, is it a help for artists or a penalty? Let’s try to analyze it

alt dogana

Export art from Italy and import taxes

Import taxes and fees on works of art from Italy. We will try to make some clarity about import taxes on original artwork, which like any other goods purchased in a country other than ours

drawing mediums

Mediums in art mean

What are the different types of artistic media and what is and what does the word medium mean in art or the various tools and methods that artists use

adrift with summer breeze adrift with summer breeze mockup

What is the artist’s limit?

Is the artist who always paints, carves or draws the same subject and uses the same technique to be defined limited or simply monotonous? I would like to know other people’s opinion


Love for pencils

Love for pencils was my first love for artistic techniques, in this period I started the mental journey of using pencils again, the first love is never forgotten, so they say

My paintings

My paintings are not for the mass, I have no ambition to see my works for sale on Amazon in the midst of pots and pans and ordinary items.

at the beach in the early 19th century by Layla Oz

Aluminizing the prints

Today i found this ancient recipe to perform the ancient technique of aluminizing prints, from alum, also called miniature, i want to share it with you.